Monday, February 6, 2012

Hg 1/144 BAQTO Review By: ED

 Availability at Tatsu Hobby: Available

- OOB looks: 8/10
The BAQTO high grade model is quite accurately colored and molded to it's television design.  Nothing needed except for a thin metallic green strip for the eye camera and some orange highlights for the chest.  Looks completely color accurate to the anime.

- Poseability: 7/10
The first U.E. kit, the HG Gafran, had Good articulation but had quite a few problems.  The baqto here on the other hand, has improved articulation and better flexibility.  Not to mention it can actually hold itself up.

- Accessories included: 6/10
Being a suit from the U.E., the Baqto as well as many other U.E. suits, does not have any extra weapons except for what has been built into the unit's design.  It does come with an extra set of hands that has the fingers slightly changed for it's alternative 'dragon'  mode.  What I find a bit strange is that in one set of the hands we actually get articulated beam saber hilts that can actually have beam sabers plugged into them.  I find it a bit sad bandai doesn't include some clear yellow beam sabers for them which I'm sure would increase the selling points of this kit. 

- Details: 6/10
Being an "alien" suit, the baqto doesn't  have many sharp details whatsoever. Its a very plain mobile suit in general but the HG kit tends to have some of a roundness to it.  The wings and some other parts seem like they would be sharper.  A very good thing about this kit is that we get a clear orange chest piece which shows some nice detailing in the chest.

- Connection strength: 9/10
The HG Gafran had alot of problems with holding itself together,  let alone standing up straight.  The Baqto does not share the same issue. It is very sturdy and has hardly any connection issues at all.  It transforms easily to its alternative mode and can pull off some very nice poses. 

Total Points: 34/50
Me being a Gundam design lover, I was never to partial to the U.E. suit designs.  I disliked the HG gafran but didn't know what to expect with the baqto.  I was pleased by the result of it.  Its a very sturdy and well designed kit/ suit that is great for anyone who's a fan of the suit, or wants to recreate the scene where it gets beaten by Titus.

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